Moon Magick Lorri@Mabon_House Moon Magick Lorri@Mabon_House

Moon Energy in November - The Waning and Dark Moons

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As we move through the second half of November, we find ourselves closer to the beginning of winter. This year, the waning moon dominates this period, culminating in a new moon on December 1. During this two-week phase, the shorter days naturally encourage introspection and release.

The waning moon is a time to shed old patterns, habits, or mindsets, and November’s waning moon is particularly potent as it precedes the winter solstice—the darkest part of the year in the northern hemisphere.

This phase offers an ideal opportunity to reflect on what is no longer serving you, allowing you to prepare for winter with a lighter mental and emotional load. If you practice shadow work, this is an opportune moment to delve inward, confront your inner truths, and embrace the energy of transformation.

Here are some rituals and practices to help you connect with the waning moon and set your intentions for the next turn of the Wheel of the Year.

November Rituals and Practices for Letting Go

Journaling for Release

Journaling is one of the most effective ways to find clarity and identify areas of your life that need improvement. Whether you prefer a stream-of-consciousness style or guided prompts, journaling helps bring buried emotions and thoughts to the surface.

Here are some prompts to get started:

- What am I holding onto? (e.g., grudges, limiting beliefs, memories)

- What can I do in the next month to bring more joy or reduce stress in my life?

Recommended Tools

Journal Prompt Cards: These include over 100 prompts to guide your reflection throughout the year.

My Favorite Journals: I’ve shared my favorite journals before—perfect for long-term use and reflection!

A Cleansing Ritual

A cleansing ritual during the waning or dark moon aligns perfectly with the phase’s energy of release. To perform one, follow these simple steps:

1. Prepare your space: Choose a quiet area and gather your tools, such as cleansing herbs (rosemary, sage, or lavender), saltwater, or essential oils.

2. Set your intention: Focus on what you want to release, saying it aloud or silently (e.g., *“I release all energy that no longer serves me.”*).

3. Cleanse: Waft smoke from herbs, sprinkle saltwater, or diffuse oils around the space. Visualize negative energy leaving and positivity filling the room.

4. Seal the ritual: Welcome protective and calming energy, then express gratitude for the cleansing. Ground yourself with water or tea afterward.

Letting Go Meditation

Meditation is a powerful practice for cultivating inner peace and clarity, especially during this time of release.

- Guided meditations: Perfect for beginners or those seeking structure, these meditations often include calming visuals and verbal guidance for deep relaxation.

- Solo meditation: Focus on your breath, a mantra, or simply observe your thoughts, allowing a freer, more personal exploration.

Both approaches help reduce stress, enhance mindfulness, and create a deeper connection with yourself, making meditation an excellent tool for emotional and mental release.

When I meditate or want to turn off any racing thoughts, I’ll listen to this creator on YouTube.

Recommended Tools

- Meditation Cushions: I would only buy a specific meditation cushion after meditating on a regular basis for while, to make sure that you will actually use it.

- Essential Oils: Eucalyptus, lavender, or frankincense are ideal for creating a serene (almost spa-like) atmosphere.

The waning moon and dark moon phases in November provide an ideal time to slow down, reflect, and let go. Through journaling, cleansing rituals, and meditation, you can align with the moon's energy to shed what no longer serves you and embrace the natural cycles of release and renewal.

What practices help you release and reset during the waning moon? Let me know in the comments below!

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The content provided above was developed in collaboration with ChatGPT, an AI language model by OpenAI. The initial ideas and concepts for the piece were provided by me, and ChatGPT assisted in organizing, formatting, and refining these ideas into the final written post. While the AI contributed to the structure and clarity of the content, the core ideas and creative direction remain my own.

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Moon Magick Lorri@Mabon_House Moon Magick Lorri@Mabon_House

The November Moon

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I always think of November as a transitional month between the busy short autumn days to the longer, slower winter evenings. For me the month is an invitation to slow down and breathe.   While I’m reluctant to say goodbye to warmer days, there’s something deeply soothing about this seasonal shift.

The November Moon & Wheel of the Year 

For those of us who follow a nature-based spiritual path, the November moon falls during Samhain, at the very beginning of the Wheel of the Year. This first full moon of the new wheel invites us to harness its energy and set intentions, seek clarity, or prepare to let go of the things that no longer serve us.

The November Moon & The Crone

Throughout history, cultures worldwide have named each moon, and November’s full moon is often called the “Dark Moon” or the “Beaver Moon.” The moon, embodying feminine energy with its 28-day cycle, has long guided planting and hunting seasons, seasonal celebrations and the ocean’s tides. 

In the Triple Goddess tradition, the full moon represents the Mother, a symbol of fullness before transitioning into the Crone phase. I don’t think any other month of the year embodies the essence of The Crone like November. It is the end of the growing season, when everything dies. While at the same time it is a time for beginnings. If you are like me, mistakes have been made in the past twelve months. What can we learn from them? How can we grow? No matter what your age, tapping into your inner crone is tapping into your own innate wisdom - it’s like listening to the small voice inside - you know, the one that you might otherwise ignore.  

If you’ve been caught up in the hustle of daily life, November is an ideal time to pause and reflect. Celebrating the November moon cycle can give you a framework to move from autopilot toward intentional practices and activities that will bring you joy and fulfillment.

Simple ways to connect with November’s moon:

  • Meditate under the moonlight, setting intentions for the new season. If you can’t catch the moonlight where you live because of weather/location, you could light a candle instead. 

  • Journal about what you wish to release and what you hope to cultivate. These are my favorite journals that I have used for years. 

  • Spend meaningful time with loved ones, enjoying the season’s warmth and connection. The holiday season is about to kick off. Rather than being stressed about dinners and gifts, how can you make this time of year feel easier and more enjoyable with the people you love? 

  • Let go. During the waning moon period (the second half the moon cycle) focus on what you would like to release in your life. I dare you to get deep with this one - what is the thing, the habit, the relationship, the situation that you know you need to change? 

November often gets a bad wrap because it signals the long cold months ahead (at least in the Northern Hemisphere). Approaching the darkest month of the year with a sense of curiosity, reflection and intention can help you enjoy this time of year instead of dreading it. Following the cycle of the moon is just one way to find inspiration for slowing down and embracing this season of transition.

Will you follow the November Moon?

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The content provided above was developed in collaboration with ChatGPT, an AI language model by OpenAI. The initial ideas and concepts for the piece were provided by me, and ChatGPT assisted in organizing, formatting, and refining these ideas into the final written post. While the AI contributed to the structure and clarity of the content, the core ideas and creative direction remain my own.

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Triple Goddess Lorri@Mabon_House Triple Goddess Lorri@Mabon_House

The Season of The Crone - Finding Peace Within

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This time of year is one of my favorites. Even as a child I enjoyed daylight savings and the shorter days. Even then, I felt like I had permission from Mother Nature to slow down and cozy up inside. As an adult, it seems as though life never slows down. Or rather capitalism never slows down. I still try my hardest to follow nature’s lead and slow down as much as possible as we move closer to the long winter months.

I think that November, with its crisp air and quiet beauty, is a season deeply connected to the wisdom of the Crone, the third aspect of the Triple Goddess. This sacred archetype represents the wisdom of age, the mystery of endings, and the beauty in letting go. Through the phases of the moon and seasons of the year, the Triple Goddess—Maiden, Mother, and Crone—guides us to reflect, grow, and embrace each stage of life.

The Triple Goddess and the Phases of the Moon

The Triple Goddess is an ancient symbol of feminine energy, representing the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Each phase reflects a distinct time in a woman’s life and offers a framework for self-growth and spiritual connection. Mirroring the moon’s cycle, these archetypes help us explore our own journey and recognize that life, like the moon, moves in natural cycles of beginning, growth, and release. Read more about connecting with the moon.

  • The Maiden (New Moon to Waxing Moon): Youth, new beginnings, curiosity, and discovery.

  • The Mother (Full Moon): Abundance, creativity, nurturing, and fulfillment.

  • The Crone (Waning Moon to New Moon): Wisdom, transformation, endings, and preparation for renewal.

The Seasonal Reflection of the Triple Goddess

Each season offers a unique opportunity to connect with these archetypes:

  • Spring to Summer: The Maiden – This is a season of growth and new possibilities, like the young shoots that emerge in the spring.

  • Summer to Autumn: The Mother – A time of abundance and harvest, mirroring the fullness of life and creation.

  • Late Autumn to Winter: The Crone – The final stage, a time of rest, reflection, and quiet wisdom. As the days grow shorter and colder, we enter the season of the Crone, a time to turn inward and prepare for new beginnings.

You may also enjoy this book: Maiden, Mother, Crone: The Myth & Reality of the Triple Goddess

November: A Natural Time to Embrace the Crone’s Energy

November, with its bare trees and shorter days, aligns perfectly with the wisdom of the Crone. Nature mirrors the Crone’s lessons as plants release their seeds, animals prepare for winter, and everything slows down. We can feel this cycle within ourselves—a time to rest, reflect, and prepare for a new season.

The Crone’s energy invites us to:

  • Reflect on the past year, honoring what we’ve achieved and learned.

  • Let go of old habits, relationships, or expectations that no longer serve us.

  • Embrace a deeper wisdom, one that recognizes the beauty in endings and transformation.

Embracing the Crone in Your Own Life

How can we connect with the Crone’s energy in practical ways? Here are a few ideas to make the most of November’s quiet wisdom.

1. Practice Introspection

November invites us to go inward, to spend time in quiet reflection. Consider journaling or meditating to connect with your inner self and release thoughts that no longer serve you. Set aside a quiet space where you can be alone with your thoughts. 

These beautiful journals are part of my own daily reflection.

2. Release and Let Go

Just as the trees release their leaves, the Crone teaches us to let go. This can mean releasing old habits, beliefs, or even people who no longer fit in your life. Ask yourself: what can I let go of to make space for new growth?

3. Nurture Yourself with Simple Self-Care

Embracing the Crone is also about acknowledging the need for warmth, rest, and grounding activities. Take a gentle walk outdoors and notice the beauty in November’s quiet landscape. Enjoy a warm drink, create something with your hands, or just take time to relax.

Adult coloring books, like this Maiden, Mother & Crone coloring book, are a simple and affordable way to relax and quiet your mind.

The Crone’s Wisdom: Recognizing the Cycles of Life

The wisdom of the Crone isn’t just about age or experience; it’s a reminder that all of life moves in cycles. Nature, the moon, and even our own lives have times of growth and times of release. Embracing this truth can bring a sense of peace and patience, even during tough times. 

The Crone’s energy encourages us to stop resisting life’s natural ebb and flow, allowing us to release expectations—whether from others or from ourselves. If something is not going as planned, this season offers a chance to let go of frustration and make peace with where you are right now.

Finding Strength in Letting Go

The Crone also reminds us that endings are not failures; they are simply part of the cycle of life. By learning to let go, we open ourselves to receive whatever may come next. As you reflect on this season, ask yourself: What do I want in my life right now? What do I need to let go of to make space for it?

The Crone’s season of endings offers an opportunity for transformation. Embrace this time to connect with your own inner wisdom, aligning with nature’s rhythm and finding strength in its cycles.

Hagitude: Imagining the Second Half of Life

Walking in November’s Quiet Beauty

Take a moment to step outside, breathe in the crisp air, and take in the quiet beauty of November. Notice how the trees stand bare, preparing for winter’s rest, and let that remind you of the Crone’s message. Let go of what is no longer needed, make space for quiet wisdom, and embrace this season as an invitation to grow.

How will you embrace the season of the crone in your own life?

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