Triple Goddess, Moon Magick Lorri@Mabon_House Triple Goddess, Moon Magick Lorri@Mabon_House

Connecting With the Moon: A Spiritual Practice for Everyone

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Why Connect with the Moon?

The Moon has long been a symbol of mystery, intuition, and emotional depth. Across cultures, the Moon has been revered for its influence on the tides, its connection to the cycles of nature, and its ability to inspire introspection. Whether you’re looking to enhance your intuition, find balance, or simply take a moment to connect with something larger than yourself, the Moon offers a powerful source of energy and wisdom.

What is Drawing Down the Moon?

Drawing Down the Moon is a sacred ritual that has its roots in modern witchcraft and Wicca. It is a practice where the participant, traditionally a high priestess, invokes the energy of the Moon or the Goddess into themselves. This ritual is often performed during a full moon, a time when the lunar energy is at its peak. The purpose of this ritual is to connect deeply with divine feminine energy, seek guidance, or experience spiritual communion.

But you don’t have to identify as a witch to connect with the moon as part of your spiritual path. Nor do you need to rely on another person or group to engage in this practice. The Moon is accessible to anyone who feels a connection to the Moon or is seeking to harness the power of the lunar cycle for personal growth, meditation, or reflection.

How to Connect With the Moon

  1. Choose Your Moon Phase:

    • Each phase of the Moon carries different energies. The full moon is a time of culmination and clarity, perfect for releasing what no longer serves you. The new moon is a time for setting intentions and new beginnings. The waxing and waning phases are ideal for growth and introspection, respectively. Choose the phase that aligns with your current needs and goals.

  2. Find a Quiet Space:

    • Choose a place where you can see the Moon, whether indoors or outdoors. If being outside isn’t an option, a spot where you can visualize the Moon’s light, such as near a window, will work. Make the space comfortable and conducive to meditation or contemplation.

  3. Set Your Intention:

    • Before you begin, take a moment to set a clear intention. What do you hope to gain from this experience? Whether it’s clarity on a specific issue, emotional healing, or a deeper connection with your inner self, having a clear intention will guide your practice.

  4. Center Yourself:

    • Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and center yourself. Focus on grounding your energy, feeling connected to the Earth beneath you and the sky above. Allow yourself to relax and be fully present in the moment.

  5. Invoke the Moon’s Energy:

    • When you’re ready, gaze at the Moon (or visualize it if you’re indoors). Feel its light and energy filling you, starting from the top of your head and flowing down to your feet. You might imagine the Moon’s light as a soft, silvery glow that wraps around you like a blanket of calm and peace.

  6. Meditate or Reflect:

    • Sit quietly and focus on your breathing. As you breathe in, imagine drawing in the Moon’s energy, filling yourself with its peaceful and intuitive power. As you breathe out, release any tension or negative thoughts. Allow yourself to simply be, noticing any thoughts, feelings, or insights that come to you.

  7. Sit in Meditation:

    • Allow yourself to sit in this energy, meditating or reflecting on your intention. Notice any thoughts, feelings, or insights that arise. This is a time to listen to your inner voice and the wisdom of the Moon.

  8. Express Gratitude:

    • When you feel ready to conclude your connection, take a moment to thank the Moon for its guidance and energy. This could be a simple “thank you” or a more elaborate expression of gratitude, whatever feels right to you.

  9. Ground Yourself:

    • After connecting with the Moon, it’s important to ground yourself. Imagine roots growing from your feet into the Earth, anchoring you in the present moment. This helps you bring the insights and calm you’ve gained back into your everyday life.

Embracing Moon Energy in Everyday Life

Connecting with the Moon isn’t just a once-a-month ritual—it can be a part of your everyday life. Whether you’re a seasoned spiritual practitioner or simply someone who enjoys the beauty of the night sky, you can tap into the Moon’s energy whenever you need it. This practice is about recognizing the Moon as a source of wisdom, intuition, and emotional balance that is available to everyone, regardless of their spiritual path.

The Moon’s cycles mirror our own emotional and spiritual cycles, offering a natural rhythm that we can tune into. By regularly connecting with the Moon, you can cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself, your emotions, and your place in the natural world.

So, the next time you find yourself under the night sky, take a moment to connect with the Moon. Whether you’re setting intentions, seeking clarity, or simply enjoying its beauty, the Moon’s energy is a powerful ally in your journey toward inner peace and self-discovery.

Books About the Moon Lore & Magic

Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America

The Witch's Moon: A Collection of Lunar Magick and Rituals

Maiden, Mother, Crone: The Myth & Reality of the Triple Goddess


Recommended Reading


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The content provided above was developed in collaboration with ChatGPT, an AI language model by OpenAI. The initial ideas and concepts for the piece were provided by me, and ChatGPT assisted in organizing, formatting, and refining these ideas into the final written post. While the AI contributed to the structure and clarity of the content, the core ideas and creative direction remain my own.

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Triple Goddess Lorri@Mabon_House Triple Goddess Lorri@Mabon_House

Connecting With My Inner Maiden 

 This post may include affiliate links* and I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Mabon House only features products that I believe in and use myself or that I believe my readers would enjoy. Thank you!

In the Triple Goddess tradition of the Maiden Mother Crone, the Maiden represents youth, vitality, and new beginnings. She is typically associated with Springtime, and its season of renewal and rebirth.  But what does this archetype mean for women of all ages? How can we tap into our own Maiden spirit at any stage of life? 

The Maiden and Springtime 

The Maiden is often depicted as a young woman, full of energy, enthusiasm, and curiosity. She is associated with the element of air, which represents the mind and the intellect, as well as with the season of spring, when the world is bursting with new life and growth. For younger women, this may feel like a very normal part of life. The world is your oyster and full of possibilities. 

As we age  though, our inner Maiden may show up less and less. Life’s hardships and the realities of adulthood and motherhood can dim the Maiden’s light.  But the thing is, our Inner Maiden is always with us. She is that voice in your head whispering “What if…what if you try…what if you take a risk…what if you do-the-thing-that-scares-you?” She is what makes us curious and brave. She is the intuitive nudge, the voice encouraging you to explore different ideas, places, relationships. 

Giving Your Inner Maiden Space 

As we get older, it can be easy to fall into familiar patterns and routines. This was certainly the case with me for many years. I felt like I was stuck on autopilot, set in my own ways and resistant to change.  And as an introvert, it doesn’t take much for me to just opt out, rather than going out and seeing people, visiting places or trying new experiences. As we’ve begun the return to pre pandemic levels of socialization and I’ve ventured back out into the world through my day job, I realized just how isolated I’d become and how,  for the past few years (probably longer, if I’m being honest) the main focus of my attention has been on problem solving and mitigating risks.  By allowing my Inner Maiden to have space, I was able to slowly open myself up once again and embrace the unknown and explore new experiences.

I often notice that my Inner Maiden pipes up at the most random times. I am a creative person by nature. I’ve always been able to keep myself occupied by writing and storytelling. I love to research topics and then write about them in my own fashion. I also tend to hyperfixate on ideas once they pop into my head. This is both a blessing and a curse. As much as I love a deep dive into a topic or idea, it almost always leaves me feeling really anxious. I feel like I have to get super organized before I can write (this is a thinly disguised excuse for a new notebook or binder);  I need to know more about a topic before I can create a printable or a blog post; I have to create an absolute masterpiece or I’m a failure.  For a really long time this all-or-nothing thinking kept me from following through on ideas and dreams. I’d start a project and then talk myself out of it, because, if it isn’t going to change the world or make me a million dollars, what is even the point? No, it’s better I just focus on sensible endeavors like my day job and leave the creative fun up to people who have more time, more money, more resources, more-whatever.  

But then…my Inner Maiden - often I think of her as my Muse - will show up and remind me that the only thing standing between me and my ideal creative life is my current way of thinking. She points out all the other creative women I look up to and reminds me that they have once stood in the same place as me. 

The Maiden & MIddle Age 

Even though we associate the Maiden Archetype with youth, I find my Inner Maiden shows up a lot more now that I am in Middle-Aged. I think there are many reasons for this. When I was a kid, I was responsible for looking after my little brother - my mom worked nights and it was often just me and my brother hanging out during the daytime,  while she slept. And I was 19 when I had my first child,  so I was a mother figure from a pretty early age and then an actual mother right at the start of my adulthood. There wasn’t much room for adventure or curiosity when you are responsible for a tiny human.   So many of the key qualities of the Maiden, including her sense of adventure and curiosity were not really part of my own experience when I was younger.  

I’d say that my Inner Maiden has showed up more in the past 12 months than the past 12 years combined. Now that I am on the edge of an empty nest, I finally have the time to do things just for myself. I can afford to indulge my curiosities and adventures. Like many women in midlife and beyond, this spirit of adventure has proven to be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation.  

A Reminder to Have Fun  

Another important quality of the Maiden is her sense of playfulness and joy. She finds pleasure in simple things, and is able to approach life with a sense of lightness and ease. Again, I am not sure if this is the case for every woman in midlife, but I find myself thinking about all the things I used to do as a kid that made me happy. Things like roller skating, buying cool clothes, or just laying in the grass talking with my best friend. While I haven’t worked up the courage to try roller skating (I need to get some elbow and knee pads, stat) I have spent more time with the people who bring me joy, just talking and laughing and reminiscing. I’ve also begun changing up my personal style to reflect clothes I enjoy versus clothing that makes me look thinner or more professional. 

The Maiden archetype is not just relevant to young women - it is a powerful symbol that can inspire and guide women of all ages. As we get older, we may feel burdened by responsibilities and obligations. We may feel like we have lost touch with the simple pleasures of life. By tapping into our Maiden spirit, we can embrace adventure, joy, creativity, and intellectual curiosity, and continue to grow and evolve throughout our lives. So embrace your inner Maiden, and allow her energy to infuse your life with a sense of vitality and possibility.

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Triple Goddess Lorri@Mabon_House Triple Goddess Lorri@Mabon_House

Embracing the Crone: Navigating the Next Stage of Life

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As we journey through life, we pass through different stages, each with its unique challenges and opportunities. From the excitement of youth to the responsibilities of parenthood, and eventually, to the quieter years of maturity, life is a never-ending journey of growth and transformation.

For many women, the transition from active parenting to the next phase of life can be challenging. After years of putting the needs of our children first, we may feel unsure about who we are and what our purpose is now that they are grown and independent. We may feel a sense of loss or grief as we let go of our role as full-time mothers, and wonder what comes next.

But the transition to from the Mother to the Crone is also a time of great opportunity. It's a chance to rediscover ourselves, to reconnect with our passions and dreams, and to embrace the wisdom and experience that comes with age.

For many women, this transition is marked by perimenopause, a time of hormonal changes that can bring physical discomfort and emotional upheaval. But despite the challenges, it's also a time of tremendous growth and transformation.

Embracing the transition to the Crone phase of life means embracing wisdom, learning to be quiet, and really listening for a change. It means letting go of the lifetime of accumulated emotional baggage, of societal expectations, of parenting responsibilities, of pleasing people out of habit, and of always finding fault with ourselves.

It means slowing down, really looking at the world around us, and discovering who we are now that our children are grown. It means embracing the softness and strength that comes with age, and stepping into our power as wise, experienced women.

So if you're feeling uncertain about the next phase of life, know that you're not alone. Embrace the transition, and allow yourself to grow and evolve into the next version of yourself. The Crone phase of life is a time of tremendous opportunity, and with the right mindset and attitude, it can be the most fulfilling phase yet.

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