Celebrating the August Super Moon

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The August full moon, also known as the Barley Moon and Sturgeon Moon, is happening on Thursday, August 11th at 9:36 pm (EST).  It’s also a super moon, which means that the moon will appear bigger and brighter than normal. The full moon offers a time to reconnect with the earth and your inner self through your own spiritual path. 


Early Moon Worship

Moon worship goes back to the earliest humankind. Every ancient civilization celebrated the moon in some form. Ancient Greeks celebrated Selene, the Goddess of the Moon, while ancient Romans called her Luna. Native American tribes looked to the moon to guide their planting and hunting. Even the Christian celebration of Easter is linked to the moon. Easter Sunday always falls on the first Sunday, after the first full moon of the Spring Equinox.  Today the moon is a central part of paganism, Wicca, Witchcraft and other Nature -Based spiritual paths.

The Moon & The Divine Feminine 

The moon is considered by many as a divine feminine energy.  The Moon rules below, while the sun rules above. The sun gives life and the moon gives a rhythm to that life. The ocean tides, female menstruation, and the natural rhythm of the planting season are all governed by the moon. 

The moon is associated with goddesses of many different cultures including the Chinese goddess Chang’e, the Greek goddess Selene, the Roman goddess Luna, and the Zulu goddess Inyanga. 

The idea of the Triple Goddess is also centered around the Waxing, Full and Waning Moons.

While the sun is constant in its appearance from day to day, the moon changes, shrinks and grows over the course of a month, offering different levels of energy and support to those who look toward it for guidance. 

Full Moon Magick 

The full moon represents abundance and progress.  If you set intentions during the new moon, the full moon is when you may start to feel or see the results of your efforts. 

The power of the moon is at its strongest when it is full and it’s a good time to cast spells, practice meditation and focus energy on achieving your goals. It’s also a time to seek clarity about your path forward. If there is an area in your life that is troubling you, sitting with the full moon and meditating can help you forge a path forward. 

Did you know the best time to see the moon at its fullest is during the Moonrise? You can use this moonrise and moonset calculator to see exactly when the moon will be rising in your area.  

The August Full Moon 

The August full moon is known as the Barley Moon, Corn Moon or Sturgeon Moon. In ancient times, the first harvest of Lughnasadh was celebrated in August, making it a time to celebrate all the work and toil of the spring and early summer, while still planning ahead for winter. 

Today, the Barley Moon offers a chance to pause and reflect on what is working in your life and what you would like to change. As autumn approaches with the start of school, holidays and general hustle and bustle of modern life, now is a good time to take stock and make a plan of how you want to spend your time. What do you want to be, do and have in life?

Are you celebrating the August Super Moon? Share in the comments!

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