A New Litha Printable

Hello Friends, 

I hope this finds you well. I’m sitting on my porch as I write to you, enjoying the warm sunshine on my toes and the smell of cherry blossoms in the air. The Wheel of the Year has turned more fully toward summer and as if in a coordinated dance, all the spring buds have burst into their summer bloom.  The lilacs are swaying in the breeze and the dandelions are growing in wild abandon along the southside of my old farmhouse.  The rhubarb leaves are bigger than my hand now and a very showy grapevine is climbing up the side of the porch, preening in the late afternoon sunshine. All the fiddleheads have unfurled into tall lacy ferns and the trees are dressed in their summer finery. A party is about to begin and we’re all invited.

I’ve been puttering today and writing this letter is about the only productive thing I plan to do. I stood barefoot in my shaggy grass, feeling the earth support me - a reminder we are all connected. Fat bees flit from one clossom to another and my cats lay in the shade, utterly helpless against the approaching summer humidity. I hope, dear friends, that the beauty of the season is with you. 

It’s hard to believe there is only a month until the summer solstice. To celebrate the season of Litha, this week’s free printable is a brand new Litha Print. I hope you like it!

Have you started planning for Litha yet? I’d love to know how you are going to celebrate the Summer Solstice, in the comments below.


How I am Celebrating Litha


10 Easy Ways I Practice Sustainability and Low Waste Living