Intentional Living, Wheel of the Year Lorri@Mabon_House Intentional Living, Wheel of the Year Lorri@Mabon_House

How I Follow the Wheel of the Year for a Peaceful (ish) Life

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I recently started listening to Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May. It got me thinking about the role that seasons and the Wheel of the Year are play in my own life. Like many of you, I don’t identify with any particular spiritual or religious group, nature-based or otherwise. But I take great comfort in following the seasons. It’s almost as if the seasons give me permission to slow down (winter); to be busy (spring); to spend extra time with friends and family (summer); and to spend time working on goals for the future (autumn). Every year I follow some iteration of this pattern.

As I think about the Wheel of the Year, I’ve been thinking about the contrast between following nature’s lead and my own reality. In our capitalist culture, there is no slowing down. Too often efficiency and production are the markers of a job well done. There is no time to slow down, no time to rest. We have to keep moving, moving, moving no matter the season. I struggle to reconcile the fast pace of everyday life with the my desire to follow nature’s rhythm.

I used to think I must be lazy because I didn’t eat, sleep, breath my job, like some people do. But as I’ve grown in my career, I’ve come to realize that my work-style and leadership style are just… different.

My strengths come from the fact that I do try to follow the seasons as much as possible, even in the office. I take more time off in the winter and summer. I capitalize on the energy of spring to start projects. I use the back-to-school energy of fall to get organized and start planning out new initiatives. And I encourage my staff to do the same. Of course, this doesn’t always go as planned, but following nature’s lead helps keep me from being swallowed whole by my job, running from fire to fire, with no end in sight.

Along with following the seasons, I use each of the Wheel of the Year holidays to pause, reflect and align/realign with my core values and intentions. If I am feeling off kilter, checking in with myself, even just briefly, during a WOTY sabbat helps to move me off autopilot and be more intentional with my time and energy.

Basically, my personal philosophy is kind of like the popular quote:

“Nature doesn’t hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” - Lao Tzu

Nature keeps me grounded, while the Wheel of the Year offers a path forward.

How do the seasons and the Wheel of the Year show up in your life?

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Wheel of the Year Lorri@Mabon_House Wheel of the Year Lorri@Mabon_House

Who is Hecate?

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Hecate is best known as a Greek Goddess associated with the Underworld and witchcraft.  Like many goddesses of the ancient world, Hecate was associated with many different aspects of daily life. She was closely associated with the idea of the Triple Goddess, the moon, the underworld and witchcraft. Hecate's origins are unclear and her story has evolved over the millennia. Even though she played a relatively minor role in ancient religious life and mythology, Hecate is a central figure for many modern neopagans. 

Hecate’s Origins 

The name Hecate is Greek. However it was likely her story was adopted into Greek Mythology, rather than being born of it, such as the stories of Zeus, Athena or other well known Greek gods and goddesses. It is speculated that goddess associated with Hecate originated in Caria, which is located in modern day Anatolia in Turkey. 

Early versions of Hecate portray her as a benevolent power who aided humanity in various ways. She was strongly associated with the idea of the Triple Goddess. This is likely because of her association with the crossroads. She was often portrayed as three figures, one to follow each path presented. People would pray to Hecate for guidance deciding which direction to take (both literally and metaphorically).  Hecate was also associated with the moon in ancient Greece, and festivals were thrown in her honor during new and full moon phases. 

Over time though her story became much darker and the association with witchcraft, the night and the underworld took root. There isn’t a clear explanation as to why Hecate’s image shifted so.The Underworld version of Hecate has many symbols including dogs, torches and keys. 

Hecate and Greek Mythology 

Hecate is best known for her role in the myth of Persephone and Demeter. She assisted Demeter in her quest to find Persephone after she was abducted to the underworld. Hecate was also portrayed as helpful in the story of Jason and the Argonauts. She was regularly celebrated in Ancient Greece with new moon festivals and feasting. 

By Roman times the minor goddess was described by poets and writers as an evil witch, who harmed children.  It is unclear why Hecate’s reputation took such a nosedive during this time.  

Hecate and the Neopagan Movement

In contemporary witchcraft and neopaganism, Hecate has experienced a resurgence in popularity. She is often revered as a guide in matters of magic, divination, and personal transformation. Her triple aspect is sometimes linked to lunar phases, and she is invoked during rituals and ceremonies. Despite being a minor figure in ancient religions and mythology, Hecate has helped shape many aspects of neopagan worship, including her association with the Triple Goddess. 

Celebrating Hecate in the Wheel of the Year 

While Hecate is not traditionally associated with the Wheel of the Year in historical pagan practices, modern practitioners often incorporate deities that resonate with them. Here's are some ways to incorporate Hecate into your own Wheel of the Year celebrations: 

  • Samhain (October 31 - November 1):

    • Connection to the Underworld: Hecate's association with the underworld makes her particularly relevant during Samhain, a time when the veil between the living and the dead is believed to be at its thinnest. Invoke Hecate for guidance and protection during rituals honoring ancestors and communicating with spirits.

  • Yule (Winter Solstice - around December 21):

    • Goddess of the New Moon: Hecate is often associated with the new  moon phase. During Yule, a celebration of the return of the sun, you can honor Hecate as a goddess of the dark, acknowledging the balance between light and dark as the days start to lengthen.

  • Imbolc (February 1-2):

    • Goddess of Transitions: As a goddess of crossroads and transitions, Hecate can be invoked during Imbolc, a time when the first signs of spring are emerging. Seek her guidance in navigating personal transitions and making choices for the coming season.

  • Ostara (Spring Equinox - around March 21):

    • Fertility and Renewal: Hecate's role as a guide through transitions aligns with the themes of renewal during Ostara. Invoke Hecate to guide you through personal transformations as you embrace the energy of the season.

  • Beltane (April 30 - May 1):

    • Magical Practices: Hecate's association with magic makes Beltane, a celebration of fertility and life, an opportune time to seek her guidance in magical workings. Incorporate her symbols, such as keys and torches, into rituals focused on creativity and manifestation.

  • Litha (Summer Solstice - around June 21):

    • Triple Goddess Energies: Hecate's triple aspect can be honored during Litha, a celebration of the longest day of the year. Recognize her as the goddess of the earth, sea, and sky, embodying the fullness of the summer season.

  • Lughnasadh (August 1):

    • Harvest and Transformation: Hecate's role in guiding through transitions can be invoked during Lammas, a festival of harvest and transformation. Seek her guidance in navigating changes and expressing gratitude for the fruits of your efforts.

  • Mabon (Autumn Equinox - around September 21):

    • Goddess of Crossroads and Balance: As the wheel turns toward autumn, honor Hecate during Mabon for her association with crossroads and balance. Reflect on the balance between light and dark, and seek her guidance in finding equilibrium in your life.

Personal connections with deities are highly individual, and these suggestions are just one way to incorporate Hecate into the Wheel of the Year based on her traditional attributes.  

While Hecate’s presence may not be as prevalent in better known mythology, her symbolic significance and associations with liminality continue to capture the imagination of those drawn to the mystical and magical aspects of ancient spirituality.

References & Recommended Reading*

Encyclopedia of Witchcraft by Judika Illes

Banner Art: Hecate or The Night of Enitharmon's Joy by William Blake, 1795
Wikimedia Commons:

**In the process of creating this blog post, I utilized ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI. ChatGPT provided assistance in generating content and refining ideas.

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Wheel of the Year Lorri@Mabon_House Wheel of the Year Lorri@Mabon_House

Who is Hestia?

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In Greek mythology, Hestia is the goddess of the hearth, home, and family. She is one of the twelve Olympian deities and is often considered one of the three virgin goddesses, along with Athena and Artemis. Unlike some of the other Greek gods and goddesses, Hestia did not actively participate in many myths or stories. She was known for her calm and gentle nature, and she played a more passive role in the narratives of Greek mythology. Hestia was highly revered, and her worship was considered essential for maintaining the stability and well-being of the family and the community.

Hearth & Home

While other ancient Greek gods and goddesses embark on grand adventures and shape the destiny of mortals, Hestia tends to the eternal flame of the hearth. Her domain is not one of conquest or rivalry but rather her role was primarily to preside over the hearth and the sacred flame.

The hearth, in ancient Greek culture, was more than just a fireplace; it was the focal point of family life. It was where meals were shared, stories were told, and decisions were made. Hestia's sacred flame symbolized not only physical warmth but also the spiritual and emotional connections that bind a family together. Hestia's presence was invoked at the beginning of every household ceremony and public event.

The Virgin Goddess

Hestia is often grouped with Athena and Artemis as one of the three virgin goddesses in Greek mythology. Unlike the tumultuous relationships that characterize many other divine unions, Hestia's dedication is solely to her sacred duties. She is the embodiment of purity and focuses on maintaining the harmony of the home rather than getting entangled in the drama of the gods.

Vesta: Hestia's Roman Counterpart

In Roman mythology, Hestia’s counterpart is Vesta. The similarities between the two deities are striking, emphasizing the universality of the concept of a sacred hearth in ancient cultures. Vesta, like Hestia, was revered as the guardian of the flame, and her worship played a crucial role in Roman religious practices.

The Vestal Virgins, priestesses dedicated to Vesta, tended to the sacred fire in the Temple of Vesta in the Roman Forum. The extinction of this flame was considered a dire omen, and its maintenance was of utmost importance to the well-being of Rome. The parallels between Hestia and Vesta demonstrate the significance of the hearth in fostering community and stability.

Invoking Hestia: Rituals and Traditions

In ancient Greece, every household, from the humblest abode to the grandest estate, paid homage to the goddess. At the beginning of important family event or public gathering, Hestia was invoked to bless the occasion.

The ritual involved a simple offering, often in the form of a small portion of the family meal, placed in the fire. This act symbolized the communal aspect of the hearth, where all members of the household shared in the warmth and sustenance provided by the central fire. It was a gesture of gratitude and a recognition of the sacred nature of the home.

Goddesses Similar to Hestia Across Mythologies

In various mythological traditions, goddesses akin to Hestia can be found throughout many cultures. In Celtic mythology there is Brigid, a goddess associated with the fertility, learning and crafts. Similar to the Roman myth of Vesta, Brigid was thought to be attended by an all female priesthood. Every year at mid-winter, festivals were thrown in honor of the goddess, as a way to encourage the return of springtime. Modern Wheel of the Year celebrations often focus on Brigid around Imbolc.

Frigg in Norse mythology embodies maternal and domestic aspects while being the wife of Odin. Iyatiku, a goddess in Hopi mythology, is revered as a guardian of the home, associated with hearth, fire, and warmth. Across diverse cultures, these goddesses share common themes, reflecting the universal significance of the hearth as a symbol of familial bonds, security, and warmth.

The hearth may no longer be the literal center of our homes, but the essence of what it represents—family, warmth, and togetherness—remains unchanged. Hestia's gentle influence encourages us to appreciate the quiet moments, the shared meals, and the simple joys that make a house a home.**

References & Recommended Reading*

Encyclopedia of Witchcraft by Judika Illes

The Modern Guide to Witchcraft by Skye Alexander

The Modern Witchcraft Grimoire by Skye Alexander

The Way of the Hedge Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock

Banner Art: Portrait of a Young Woman as a Vestal Virgin by François Hubert Drouais,1767. See the full portrait at The Met Open Source project:

**In the process of creating this blog post, I utilized ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI. ChatGPT provided assistance in generating content and refining ideas.

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