Law of Attraction Lorri@Mabon_House Law of Attraction Lorri@Mabon_House

Do You Believe in Law of Attraction?

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One of my favorite β€œwitchy” books is The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book by Skye Alexander.  In it she explains spell work as another form of Law of Attraction. 

When a witch does a magick spell, she doesn’t send sparks flying from her fingertips…Instead, she attunes her own innate abilities with the forces of nature to elicit a series of controlled coincidences that will achieve her desired result.

As I’ve mentioned before I don’t identify as a witch, I do identify with LOA, especially the whole β€œthoughts become things.”  And I can relate to the idea of casting spells to help harness the energy around you. I mainly don’t do spells for manifestations because I am not that organized and don’t like following directions. You should see me baking - it’s a hot mess. 

Anyway, along with LOA I definitely believe in a higher power, be it the Universe, God or Goddess.  I have been humbled by life too many times to think I am in this alone. Which brings me to my my favorite LOA story: How I Manifested My House. 

Following my divorce (more than a decade ago) I could no longer afford the house we lived in, so I went back to renting.  Which bummed me out hard. I loved my house - it was the only home my kids had ever lived in and we were all so sad to see it go.  

Fast forward a few years and lots of ups and downs later and I was ready to buy a new home of my own.  So I sat down and wrote out exactly what I wanted: A white farmhouse, five bedrooms, front porch, big kitchen, chicken coop, gardens. All of this with a mortgage payment that was no more than my current rent.  

Now, I live in New England, and there are oversized white farmhouses pretty much on every corner. It is not hard to find one for sale.  The tricky part in this case was finding the one farmhouse that was in my pretty limited budget  while also in turn-key condition. As much as I love DIY projects, I didn’t want a fixer upper. I didn’t have the time or power tools to go all Joanna-and-Chip-Gaines on the place.  

sidenote - not my house. You can see my actual house here

sidenote - not my house. You can see my actual house here

AND the house had to be within a two mile radius of the downtown because, quite frankly, I really like the convenience factor. As the only driver of four very busy kids, I didn’t want to spend all my time in the car driving to and from town if I bought a place way out in the country.  

So I wrote out my list, thought about it. Visualized it. Created a pinterest board for it. Said a little prayer and Let.It.Go.  Then I proceeded to call a real estate agent and started seeing houses.  

And lo and behold the second house I viewed checked pretty much my whole list. It was the ONLY house on the market in my desired area, in my price range, and with enough bedrooms for myself and my kiddos. It had the prettiest porch in the world and lots of flower gardens and a chicken coop AND a greenhouse (the Universe just threw that in as a bonus, I guess).  

Have I been able to manifest everything my heart desires? Um no. But my belief in LOA has made me much more aware of the thoughts floating around in my head and heart and has helped me redirect to more positive energy, when needed.  I’ve brought about massive positive changes in my life as a result. Plus visualizing what you can be, do, and have is FUN.  

Have you ever tried LOA or manifesting? Or do you think I’m super weird? Either way, I’d love to hear more about it. :) 

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