Yule Lorri@Mabon_House Yule Lorri@Mabon_House

A History of Christmas Trees and Their Ancient Roots

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One of my first freelance writing gigs almost 20 years ago was a series called The History of Christmas for a now defunct website. I wrote 10 or so different articles about various Christmas traditions from around the world. It remains to this day one of my favorite writing projects. So, for this post I thought I would write about the history of Christmas trees, since the use of evergreens for winter celebrations goes back to ancient times and carries across many different cultures.

Ancient Celebrations & Evergreens

Ancient Celts, Norse, and Germanic people each incorporated evergreen plants into their winter celebrations with unique symbolic meanings. The Celts believed evergreen plants like holly and ivy, with the ability to stay green during winter, represented life's continuity in the darkness. Norse celebrations of Yule included evergreen trees, particularly fir trees, to symbolize the perseverance of life through winter. Germanic tribes utilized evergreen branches and trees for decoration, viewing them as protective symbols against malevolent spirits during the harsh winter months. Across these cultures, evergreens held significance as symbols of protection, resilience, and the cyclical nature of life. Adorning these plants with candles, fruits, and symbolic ornaments added festive elements to rituals and festivities, laying the foundation for the eventual evolution of modern Christmas tree traditions.

Germanic Beginnings

The 16th-century Germans are often credited with popularizing the Christmas tree as we know it today. Bringing entire evergreen trees into their homes, they adorned them with candles, fruits, and nuts, symbolizing hope for the coming spring. One story credits the Reformation leader Martin Luther, for bringing the first Christmas tree home. There is little historical evidence that this actually happened. It was likely a story to help further absorb ancient customs into Christianity.

English and American Customs

The Christmas tree tradition crossed borders, reaching England through Queen Charlotte's influence in the 18th century. However, it wasn't until the 19th century that the Christmas tree gained widespread popularity in England and the United States. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert's illustration with a Christmas tree in the Illustrated London News in 1848 further fueled the tradition's acceptance.

Early American puritans actually banned Christmas in some parts of what is now New England. The Mid Atlantic States, which were settled by many Catholics and members of the Church of England carried on with many of the same Yuletide festivities that included feasting and decorating with evergreens. What we would consider a traditional Christmas tree in the United States is credited to German immigrants in the 19th century, with the first recorded tree appearing in the 1830s. The 1850s saw widespread acceptance, and Godey's Lady's Book played a pivotal role in popularizing the tradition with a depiction of the British royal family celebrating around a Christmas tree.

Neopagans and Christmas Tree

Within neopaganism, the adoption of Christmas trees varies. For some, the evergreen tree symbolizes nature, renewal, and the enduring spirit of life. Neopagans often incorporate unique decorations that hold spiritual significance, aligning with their individual beliefs and practices. Some neopagans celebrate with a Yule Tree or Celebration Tree as part of their Winter Solstice celebrations.

The history of Christmas trees is a tale of cultural fusion and adaptation, with roots reaching deep into the past. As this beloved tradition continues to evolve, neopagans contribute their unique perspectives, adding layers of meaning and symbolism to winter solstice celebrations. The Evergreen Tree, whether it is called a Christmas tree, Yule Tree or something else all together, remains a symbol of hope, connection, and the enduring spirit of the season.

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Intentional Living Lorri@Mabon_House Intentional Living Lorri@Mabon_House

Embracing Our Limits

The last turn in the Wheel of the Year is underway here in Western Maine. It feels very much like summer during the day, but the leaves are beginning to fall and nights are getting cooler.

As sad as it is to see summer end, I’m ready to break out my heavier cardigans and tins of spiced tea. Do you do anything simple, but also special, to mark the beginning of autumn?

Embracing Limits

My new job is off and running. I’ve forgotten how much big life changes drain my energy. It’s not a reflection of the work or my colleagues - they are all awesome and I am really glad for this new opportunity. But even though it’s all good change, I still find myself exhausted at the end of the day. It’s just how I’m hardwired. Going with the flow is not really my thing, if the flow is too fast paced.

Because big changes drains my emotional battery, I need extra time to recharge when life gets shaken up. This weekend I’ll take it easy and putter around my house with no planned agenda.

It took me many years to feel comfortable acknowledging that I am just not as nimble as other people when it comes to change. However, once I gave myself permission to slow down and embrace my own limits, change has became much less stressful.

How do you deal with change? Do you love it? Does it stress you out? Are you like me and it’s a bit of a mixed bag?

This week’s featured printable is the original Mabon Celebration Guide. I have some new printables in the works, but in the spirit of embracing my limits, I’ll be sharing them in a few weeks, once I am more settled into my job.

And if you haven’t popped into the Member’s Library in a while, be sure to check it out. There are lots of other free printables you may not have grabbed yet, like this one:

Recommended Reading

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Wheel of the Year, Intentional Living Lorri@Mabon_House Wheel of the Year, Intentional Living Lorri@Mabon_House

Sneak Peek New 2022-2023 Wheel of the Year Planner

Hello Friends, 

I hope this finds you well. How was your Summer Solstice and Litha celebration? As I write this, it is a breezy beautiful morning that feels more like September than June. The trees are dancing wildly, as if excited for the day ahead. A cold snap is headed our way though, so I need to hustle to get out in the garden to do some pruning while the sun is still shining. I am very much a fair-weather gardener.  

I left the mountains for the sea yesterday. My daughter and I took a ferry out to one of the island communities that dot Maine’s coast. I had never been on a ferry before. It’s a lovely way to travel - at least in the summer, when it’s all blue skies and ocean breeze. We had a good time exploring the small shops and walking around the different neighborhoods.  Wild beach roses and lupin were everywhere, from manicured gardens to cracks in the sidewalk. As the saying goes, Bloom where you are planted.    

This week I thought I would update you all on my 8 Things I’m Not Buying in 2022.  At the beginning of the year I really wanted to focus on simplifying my life and doing things with more intention, and this no-spend list was sort of the kick off. And six months in, I’m pleased to share that I’ve done quite well. I made a huge dent in my stash of notebooks and other stationery and have not bought one piece of home decor yet this year….you can read the whole updated post here and grab the free Slow Living Thought List.  

This week I thought I’d share a sneak peek printable of the upcoming 2022 - 2023 planner.  I’ve gone in a kind of Forest Whimsy direction this year.  I hope you like this sneak peak Lughnasadh Printable. More to come!



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