Intentional Living Lorri@Mabon_House Intentional Living Lorri@Mabon_House

Mabon House - A Year in Review

While the Wheel of the Year is just getting started, it’s hard to believe that it is already the end of 2022. When I think about where I was at this time last year, I can’t believe all the progress I’ve made - both personally and here at Mabon House. As some longtime readers may recall, 2021 was a bit of a hot mess. I’d write a random blog post or newsletter and then lay dormant for weeks on end. Feeling burnt out and exhausted, I almost closed Mabon House permanently last December. Can you imagine? 

As I sat in my living room trying to decide what to do, I ended up writing this letter to the community. In it I was radically honest about my struggles for the first time. I shared how I loved writing and creating for Mabon House, but struggled to balance it with the rest of my life and responsibilities. I also had a good degree of imposter syndrome.  And while I didn’t want to quit writing, I knew something had to change.

I will never forget hitting send on that letter. I had no idea if anyone would even care what I had to say. So, imagine my utter shock and genuine happiness when so many folks wrote right back to me - with empathy, humor, and understanding. And for the first time I realized that I had, quite on accident, created this amazing community of like-minded souls. 

So from that point on I made a deal with myself that I would write to you all every week, even if I felt like I had nothing special to share. Because I realized that just showing up was enough for many folks. 

And I am pleased to share that I’ve sent a Mabon House Letter every week this year - 48 letters so far. While 2022 has definitely had its moments, writing for this community is one the highlights of my year.  And connecting with so many of you on Instagram has been an added bonus!  I am excited to see what 2023 brings all of us! 

So if you are new here, welcome. And if you’ve been here from the beginning, Thank You for sticking with me! 

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