Wheel of the Year Lorri@Mabon_House Wheel of the Year Lorri@Mabon_House

A New Year & Winter Garden Musings

Happy 2022! Thank you to everyone who took the time to reach out and say a kind word after my last newsletter. Your messages were so welcome and appreciated - I actually ugly-cried from joy and relief that so many of you understood and even echoed my thoughts.  And it made me feel so good about my decision to keep going with Mabon House.  

I’ve been on vacation from my day job, and I’m not going to lie - it has been wonderful. I’ve taken naps, puttered about my house, listened to some fantastic books on Audible and ate a lot of good food with my family. On New Year's Eve (day) I spent some time walking about my gardens, enjoying the sunshine, crisp air and fresh snow. 

I am often grumbly about winter because I am the head snow-remover, roof raker and fire starter at our house, now that most of my kids have flown the coop. My youngest is still at home, but it seems like whenever it snows, he is always at his dad’s house and I am the one left shoveling. But I remind myself to be grateful that I have a home to take care of and a body that allows me to do all the things that need to be done. The older I get the more grateful I am for the simple things in life. 

Walking about in the woods and gardens is also a good reminder to stop hating on winter so much. There is much beauty to be found all year long, if only we slow down and look. 

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