Litha Lorri@Mabon_House Litha Lorri@Mabon_House

How I am Celebrating Litha

Hello Friends, 

I hope this finds you well and able to enjoy the absolute beauty of early summer. It’s been a dark week here in the US, but for better or worse nature proceeds on her own schedule, even when hearts are broken. I have found some much needed comfort in the trees and flowers and blue skies overhead. A hawk calls out unseen in the distance, while squirrels chipper to one another while dashing around the lilacs and rhododendron bushes, and a pair of cardinals call to one another from their nest in an old pine tree next to my back porch.  The sun shines and the rain falls. And we are here. Together. 

As I’ve mentioned in the past, I tend to celebrate the Wheel of the Year as more of seasons than specific holidays. So, as we approach the official start of Summer and the season of Litha, I thought I’d share what I’ll be up to over the next few weeks. 

Litha as a Time to Connect 

I think of Litha as a time for connection. Connecting with the earth, your friends & family and yourself. For me, this is more important than ever, coming out of two years of relative isolation at home. I am an introvert by nature and it is very easy for me to slip into solitude for weeks at a time. And while I do recharge from having time to myself, I find too much of it leaves me feeling lonely and a little sad. So, in the spirit of Litha I am going to take some time to connect with the people I care about, tend to my gardens and do some deeper self care work in areas that I have been ignoring. 

Connecting With The Earth 

I intend to spend some meditative time clearing some overgrowth from one area of my garden. An invasive bittersweet vine has taken over and slowly smothering several trees and bushes. It’s one of those things I that I keep meaning to get to, but never do.  So this weekend, if all goes as planned, I will cut back the dead overgrowth to make room for new life. 

Connecting With Friends and Family

A dear friend is going through some tough times right now, and so I plan to send a handwritten note and a small gift and let them know that I’m thinking of them. I have also set some dates on my calendar for June to spend some time with adult children, who are busy with their own lives now. 

Connecting With Myself 

I’ve recommitted to my yoga practice for the month of June.  Over the past few months I’ve completely gotten out of the habit of daily yoga and I can feel the difference. I’m stiff and sore from too much sitting or too much exertion and not enough stretching. My mind is also stiff and sore. I find myself plagued with anxiety and ruminating on unhelpful thoughts much too often these days. I do yoga as much for the emotional work as the physical. Lest you think I am some kind of yogi - let me be clear - I am not. I don’t go to classes or retreats. I just follow along with Yoga With Adriene on YouTube. Nothing fancy. But it works wonders!

This week’s free printable is 5x7 Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson from his poem Merlin’s Song. I love to print these types of quotes and pop them in a frame and change them out each season. This one will go on my desk in my office. I hope you like it!

I hope that you are able to plan something special to celebrate the summer solstice. Please feel free to share what you’re up to in the comments. Also, I’m going to keep the official Mabon House IG shuttered for now, but if you’d like to see photos of my gardens (and my cats), please feel free to follow along at Lorri From Maine on Instagram.

Take Care and I’ll see you next week!

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