Fall Cleaning Guide for Home & Spirit: Free Room Cleaning Worksheet


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Hello Friends,

I’ve been working on the Mabon House Fall Cleaning Guide for Home & Spirit.  I have to say, it is a fun project! And it’s inspired this week’s free printable  - a room energy assessment worksheet - which is like, the most horrible name I could have come up with...but again...writer’s block :) Lemme know if you have a better name. 

I created this worksheet based on an example from Arin Murphy-Hiscock’s book The Way of the Hedge Witch.  If you have never read any of Arin’s books, I highly recommend! She has a wonderful mix of practical and magical resources for creating a lovely home.

Basically this is how I used the worksheet to refresh the energy in my living room:

Do a Quick Declutter

I did a quick pick up of the room (i.e. I finally moved the pile of laundry off the living room sofa) and took care of anything that didn’t belong in there, including books and notebooks on the coffee table, aforementioned laundry, empty tea mugs (#dontjudgeme) shoes and some heavy blankets that we only use in the colder months.  Next I removed most the rooms decorations and knick knacks, which tend to accumulate over time. I stored these on my dining room table, until I was ready to decide what would go back in the room and what would be stored or donated.  

Assess How the Room Feels

Once the room was mostly picked up, I closed my eyes and just let myself feel the energy of the space. Using the worksheet I jotted down how it felt, which was cluttered and stagnant. Even with the windows wide open and the sun shining in, it just felt tired.

Think About How You Want the Space to Feel

Next I wrote down how I wanted the space to feel. Because it is the living room and is used by everyone in our family most evenings, I wanted it to feel comfortable and inviting, but also be spacious and have more energy to it. I wanted to feel good when I was relaxing in the space, not like I was just waiting to go to bed.

Clean the Surfaces

Next I made of quick to-do list which included:

  • Vacuuming and dusting - this is self explanatory, yes?

  • Rearragning the furniture - I moved the sofa to the opposite wall and took out a bookcase from one corner and that seemed to do the trick. Suddenly the room felt way more spacious, without feeling sparse.

  • Adding back in decorations - Once the furniture arrangement suited me, I added back in some of the decorations, still keeping it on the light side. 

Adding in Your Own Magickal Elements

As I’ve mentioned before I don’t do much in the way of spells or other rituals. I just kind of go by my feelings. When a space feels good, I stop. You can certainly go beyond basic cleaning and rearranging with activities like smudging your space or casting a protective spell or two. Again, The Way of the Hedge Witch is a great place to start, if you looking for some guidance and inspiration.

How do you break up old energy in your home? Share with me on Instagram @mabon_house!


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