8 Things I'm Not Buying in 2022

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My theme for 2022 is Simplify and embrace slow living. Three  of my four kids are out of the nest and my youngest is a junior in high school and my years of active parenting are swiftly winding down. To prepare for the next phase of life, I’ve started making some changes including a slow downsizing of all my possessions to make space for new things to come. 

Following my January No Spend Challenge, I have a good handle on what I actually need vs things I want. I’ve already spent a good deal of time decluttering and organizing my home, room by room. Out of this exercise I now have a working inventory of things I have, but had kind of forgotten about. And I have a greater awareness of things I tend to buy and never use, like pretty thrifted dishes or things that I already own in plenty, such as notebooks and pens. So.Many.Pens.   

As my year of Simplicity continues, I’ve come up with a list of all the things I am not buying in 2002. 

Office Supplies

As noted above, I own no less than 50 partially used notebooks, journals and pads of paper.  And I have a gazillion pens. These are probably my favorite things to buy and an easy and cheap impulse buy from WalMart. So the deal I made with myself is no new stationary until I’ve used up what I have. Which will most likely get me through 2022 and beyond.  

June 2022 Update - Solid Win. I have made my way through about half of my existing stationary. I did purchase a new personal journal from my favorite book press company. Because journaling is an integral part of my self care routine, I do count this as a (very nice) necessity.

Greenwashed Products 

I saw an ad for $30 all natural zero waste deodorant. $30?! As the sustainability /zero waste movement gains popularity, marketers are figuring out ways to capitalize on consumers' desire to go green. I think using less chemicals is always a good thing, but I also think that for those of us on budget (like, literally, everyone) the benefits don’t always outweigh the costs. If I really want to try a more natural product, I would rather try making my own first.    

June 2022 Update - This is mostly a win. I did purchase some zero waste detergent sheets. These were a bit pricier than buying a jug of traditional laundry detergent, but not having ANY waste felt like a good trade off, as I could compost the cardboard box. As much as I like to think I can just whip all of my own cleaning and beauty products, convenience and saving time is a factor. Plus, I thought these sheets worked just as well, if not better, than traditional detergent.

New Clothes (Fast Fashion) 

I’ve gone up and down in weight for the past couple of years. Last year I bought several new outfits from ThredUp, and so this year I really don’t need anything else. My weight has stabilized and even if I go up or down a bit, most of what I own will still fit fine.  So, while I enjoy clothes shopping, especially from ThredUp, I am going to try really hard to wear what I have. And if I do decide to purchase some new outfits, I will most likely source them second hand rather than buying from fast fashion brands.  If you’re new to ThredUp, here is a post I wrote about how to find the best deals for your size and style.

June 2022 Update - Mostly a win. I have been diligent about wearing what I already own. However, as summer approached and my work went to a hybrid office model, I realized that I needed some better warm weather options. I had lived in yoga pants and my son’s old t-shirts for the past two summers. So I did invest in some new dresses from L.L.Bean (not sponsored, I just really like their summer dresses and #maine). I would have happily purchased these dresses from Thread Up or any other second hand shop, if I could ever find them. But they are next to impossible to find used, because they are so comfortable and are made to last. As with most of LL Bean clothing, I will wear these dresses for the next 4-5 years, so I thought it was worth the investment.

Home Decor 

Second to notebooks and pens, home décor is my other favorite shopping hobby. I love scouring thrift stores for unique items I can repurpose or upcycle. And I have this weird obsession with table settings. I love Blue Willow china like it’s one of my kids. But as I prepare for an emptyish nest, I don't need to be bringing in more stuff. I’m more interested in using what I already have to create fresh looks in my home. 

June 2022 Update - Solid Win. I have not bought anything - new or used - for my house this year. Plus I managed to declutter A LOT of things over the spring.

Holiday Decor

This past holiday season I only used about a quarter of my holiday decor. Most of it sits collecting dust in the basement. Since this is the second year in a row that I’ve used only a fraction of my holiday decor, I skipped the holiday clearance sales.  

June 2022 Update - Let’s be real. Who buys holiday décor in the first half of the year? The real test will come this fall. I will keep you posted.

Wrapping paper

Buying wrapping paper seems really wasteful, given that it can’t always be recycled. So, I’ll use up what I have and then swap to sustainable wrapping like cloth, paper or baskets. I will also repurpose some of my pretty table linens and doilies that rarely get used for gift wrapping.  

June 2022 Update - Win. Win. Win. I even upcycled an old atlas into some wrapping paper, after watching this fun video from Rajiv Surendra (he is like the Millennial Martha Stewart). Here are my finished gifts (not as nice as Rajiv’s, but they’ll do).

Greeting cards 

I am sensing a theme here - I really love paper products. I have enough Thinking of You cards and Birthday day cards to get me through the next decade.   

June 2022 Update. Also a win.


I’ve already cut some of streaming services, magazines and software I’ll never use. I have a couple of core subscription services like Audible and Canva that I use regularly. But my Microsoft office can go, as can Spotify and my paper magazine subscriptions that I bought when the Pandemic started. 

June 2022 Update - Getting there. I have not renewed any subscriptions this year, including some streaming services. Is anyone else on the fence about Netflix?

My no spend challenge is just one way that I try to practice more Intentional/ Slow Living. Grab your free Slow Living Thought List and let me know in the comments or over on Instagram what you are doing to slow down, let go and create a life that you love.

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