Homecare Lorri@Mabon_House Homecare Lorri@Mabon_House

Cleaning & Organizing Room by Room

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Here are some room by room tips for making your spring (or fall) cleaning more manageable and efficient:


  1. Declutter Countertops: Start by clearing off countertops of any unnecessary items. Store appliances you don't use daily to create more workspace.

  2. Deep Clean Appliances: Wipe down the exterior of appliances, and don't forget to clean the inside of the microwave, oven, and refrigerator. Use a mixture of vinegar and water for a natural and effective cleaning solution.

  3. Scrub Cabinets and Drawers: Remove everything from cabinets and drawers, wipe them down, and reorganize items. Donate or discard any expired or unused items.

  4. Wash Floors: Pick up anything off the floor (chairs, pet bowls, garbage bins, ect…) and sweep or vaccuum. Wash with a steam cleaner mop or hot soapy water.

Living Room:

  1. Dust and Vacuum: Begin by dusting all surfaces, including shelves, mantels, and light fixtures. Vacuum upholstered furniture and under cushions to remove dirt and debris.

  2. Wash Windows and Treatments: Clean windows inside and out for a streak-free shine. Don't forget to dust or wash window treatments such as curtains or blinds. A steam cleaner like this one can help make window washing quicker and more efficient than spray cleaner and a cloth.

  3. Refresh Decor: Consider rearranging furniture for a fresh layout. Rotate or flip couch cushions and change out decorative accents for a new look.


  1. Rotate Mattress: Extend the life of your mattress by rotating it regularly. Vacuum the mattress surface to remove dust mites and allergens.

  2. Clear Out Closet Clutter: Donate or sell clothing, shoes, and accessories you no longer wear. Organize your closet by category or color for easier access.

  3. Launder Linens: Wash all bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers. Consider swapping out heavy winter bedding for lighter options suitable for spring. I like to add herbal linen sachets to my linen draws and closets.


  1. Scrub Tiles and Grout: Use a grout brush and a mixture of baking soda and water to scrub tiles and grout clean. Finish with a rinse of vinegar and water for a sparkling finish.

  2. Clean and Declutter Cabinets: Dispose of expired medications and beauty products. Wipe down shelves and organize items by category for easy access.

  3. Freshen Up Fixtures: Polish faucets, showerheads, and mirrors to remove water stains and smudges. Replace shower curtains or liners if needed for a clean, updated look.

General Tips:

  1. Work from Top to Bottom: Start cleaning high surfaces like ceilings, light fixtures, and shelves before moving down to lower areas to avoid recontamination.

  2. Use Natural Cleaners: Opt for eco-friendly cleaning products to reduce exposure to harsh chemicals and protect the environment.

  3. Take Breaks: Pace yourself and take breaks as needed to prevent burnout. Reward yourself for completing tasks to stay motivated throughout the cleaning process.

By following these room-by-room spring cleaning tips, you can welcome the new season with a fresh and rejuvenated home. Happy cleaning!

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Connecting Your Home to the Wheel of the Year

This post may include affiliate links and I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Mabon House only features products that I use myself or that I believe my readers would enjoy. Thank you!

For those who follow the Wheel of the Year, cleaning takes on a deeper meaning as it aligns with the natural cycles of the seasons. In this guide, we'll explore how to let the seasons guide you in your homecare and help you to cultivate positive energy throughout the year.

Imbolc: Clearing the Stagnant Energy

Step 1: Open Windows and Doors

On Imbolc, the festival of light and new beginnings, invite fresh energy into your home by opening windows and doors. Allow the stale energy of winter to flow out and welcome in the revitalizing energy of spring.

Step 2: Set Intentions for Renewal

Take a moment to set intentions for the coming season. Whether it's embracing new opportunities, releasing old habits, or inviting in abundance, imbue your space with the energy of renewal and transformation.

Ostara: Spring Equinox Cleansing

Step 1: Open Windows and Let in Fresh Air On Ostara, the Spring Equinox, invite the revitalizing energy of spring into your home by opening windows and letting in fresh air. Allow the stagnant energy of winter to flow out, making way for new beginnings and growth.

Step 2: Cleanse with Floral Scents Use floral-scented cleaning products or essential oils to cleanse your home and uplift your spirits. Lavender, jasmine, and rosemary are excellent choices for invoking the energy of spring and renewal.

Step 3: Plant Seeds of Intentions As you clean, take time to set intentions for the season ahead. Plant symbolic seeds of growth and abundance by visualizing your goals and aspirations taking root and blossoming, just as the flowers do in the springtime.

Beltane: Invoking Growth and Abundance

Step 1: Cleanse with Herbal Infusions

Create a cleansing herbal infusion by steeping herbs like lavender, rosemary, or chamomile in hot water. Use this infused water to wipe down surfaces and purify your space, infusing it with the energy of growth and abundance.

Step 2: Decorate with Flowers and Greenery

Bring the vibrant energy of Beltane into your home by decorating with fresh flowers and greenery. Adorn your altar or sacred space with floral arrangements, garlands, or potted plants to symbolize the blossoming of new life and potential.

Step 3: Charge Your Tools and Crystals

Harness the heightened energy of Beltane to charge your magical tools and crystals. Place them in direct sunlight or moonlight for cleansing and energizing, infusing them with the potent energy of the season.

Litha: Summer Solstice Purification

Step 1: Harness the Power of Sunlight On Litha, the Summer Solstice, harness the abundant energy of the sun to cleanse and purify your home. Open curtains and blinds to let in natural sunlight, allowing it to illuminate and energize every corner of your space.

Step 2: Burn Purifying Herbs Burn purifying herbs like sage or rosemary to cleanse your home of any lingering negative energy. Walk clockwise through each room, focusing on doorways, windows, and corners as you smudge.

Authors Note: When it comes to incorporating cleansing rituals into our spiritual practices, it's essential to respect the cultural significance and traditions associated with these rituals, particularly those of Indigenous communities. While the practice of burning sage, known as smudging, has become popularized in mainstream culture, it's important to recognize that this sacred tradition holds deep spiritual and cultural significance for many Native American tribes.

To honor and respect Indigenous cultures, it's important to refrain from appropriating or co-opting their sacred practices. Instead, consider exploring alternative cleansing herbs that are native to your own cultural heritage or region. Common alternatives to white sage include cedar, sweetgrass, lavender, rosemary, and mugwort, all of which possess their own unique cleansing properties.

Step 3: Decorate with Solar Symbols Incorporate solar symbols like sunflowers, citrine crystals, or representations of the sun into your home décor to amplify the energy of Litha. These symbols serve as reminders of the abundant blessings and vitality of the summer season. I enjoy watching sunlight through my Witch Ball on my front porch.

Lughnasadh /Lammas: Harvesting and Releasing

Step 1: Clear Clutter and Donate

On Lughnasadh / Lammas, the first harvest festival, assess your belongings and clear out any clutter or items that no longer serve you. Donate gently used items to charity, releasing them with gratitude for the abundance they once brought into your life.

Step 2: Cleanse with Saltwater

Create a cleansing saltwater solution by mixing sea salt with water in a spray bottle. Use this solution to cleanse and purify surfaces, dispelling any lingering negative energy and preparing your space for the bountiful blessings of the harvest.

Step 3: Offer Gratitude

Take time to express gratitude for the abundance in your life. Light a candle on your altar or create a gratitude ritual, offering thanks for the blessings of the harvest and the abundance yet to come.

Mabon: Autumn Equinox Cleansing

Step 1: Embrace the Energy of Balance On Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, embrace the energy of balance and harmony as day and night are of equal length. Use this time to cleanse and declutter your home, creating space for the abundance of the harvest season.

Step 2: Harvest Cleansing Herbs Harvest cleansing herbs like sage, rosemary, or mugwort from your garden or local market. Bundle them together and hang them in doorways or windows to purify and protect your home as you transition into the darker half of the year.

Step 3: Create a Gratitude Altar Set up a gratitude altar to honor the blessings of the harvest season and express thanks for the abundance in your life. Decorate your altar with seasonal offerings like apples, pumpkins, or colorful autumn leaves.

Samhain: Honoring Ancestors and Transitioning

Step 1: Honor Ancestors with Altar Offerings

On Samhain, the festival of the dead, honor your ancestors with offerings on your altar. Light candles, burn incense, or leave offerings of food and drink to honor those who have passed and invite their wisdom and guidance into your home.

Step 2: Perform a Deep Cleanse

Perform a thorough deep cleanse of your home, focusing on areas that may have accumulated stagnant energy or negativity. Use techniques like smudging, salt cleansing, or sound cleansing to purify your space and prepare for the transition into the dark half of the year.

Step 3: Release and Let Go

As the veil between the worlds thins on Samhain, take time to release any attachments or burdens that no longer serve you. Write down your intentions for release on a piece of paper and burn it in a fire-safe container, symbolizing the letting go of what no longer serves your highest good.

Yule: Winter Solstice Purification

Step 1: Cleanse with Evergreens On Yule, the Winter Solstice, cleanse your home with the purifying energy of evergreen plants like pine, cedar, or juniper. Decorate your home with fresh evergreen branches or burn pine-scented candles to uplift your spirits and dispel any negativity.

Step 2: Light a Blessing Candle Light a blessing candle on your altar or in a central location in your home to symbolize the return of the light. As you light the candle, offer prayers of gratitude for the blessings of the past year and set intentions for the year ahead.

Step 3: Reflect and Renew Take time to reflect on the past year and release anything that no longer serves you. Write down your intentions for the coming year and burn them in a fire-safe container, symbolizing the release of old patterns and the renewal of your spirit.

Cleaning and organizing offers a powerful way to align your home with the natural cycles of the Wheel of the Year, infusing your space with positive energy and intention. By incorporating these simple yet potent rituals into your cleaning routine, you can create an intentional home that supports your spiritual journey and nourishes your soul.


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Homecare, Intentional Living Lorri@Mabon_House Homecare, Intentional Living Lorri@Mabon_House

Aligning Your Home's Energy with the Seasons

This post may include affiliate links and I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Mabon House only features products that I use myself or that I believe my readers would enjoy. Thank you!

When it comes to creating a home that feels just right—a space where you can truly relax and be yourself—each season offers its own set of cues for cleaning, organizing, and decorating. From the blossoming freshness of spring to the cozy warmth of winter, every season brings its own energy into our homes. Here are some concrete steps to help you connect your home's vibe with each season:


As the world wakes up from the long winter months, bring some of that freshness indoors by decluttering and opening up your space. Clean your windows to let in more natural light, and add touches of greenery with potted plants or fresh flowers. Consider rearranging your furniture to create a more open and airy feel, and bring in lighter fabrics and pastel colors to reflect the season's renewal.


Make the most of summer by transforming your outdoor space into a cozy retreat. Set up a comfy seating area on your patio or deck with cushioned chairs or hammocks for lounging. Hang twinkling lights or lanterns to add a touch of magic to your evenings, and brighten up the space with colorful outdoor pillows or cushions. Create shade with umbrellas, awnings, or pergolas to keep cool on hot days. Add a splash of greenery with potted plants and flowers, and consider planting herbs for a fresh culinary touch.


As the weather starts to cool down and the leaves begin to change, cozy up your home with warm, inviting touches. Swap out lightweight summer bedding for heavier quilts or duvets, and layer on soft throws and blankets for added warmth. Bring in the colors of fall with rich, earthy tones like burnt orange, deep red, and golden yellow, and add texture with plush rugs and velvet or wool upholstery. Consider adding seasonal accents like pumpkins, gourds, and pinecones to bring the spirit of autumn indoors.


As the days grow shorter and the nights get colder, create a cozy sanctuary where you can hibernate and recharge. Invest in soft, plush bedding and thick, insulating curtains to keep out the cold, and add plenty of candles, twinkle lights, and warm throws to create a cozy ambiance. Incorporate rich, dark colors like deep blue, forest green, and burgundy to create a sense of warmth and intimacy, and add touches of metallic accents for a touch of glamour. Consider bringing in natural elements like evergreen branches, pinecones, and berries to add a festive touch to your décor.

By tuning into the energy of each season and making small adjustments to your home décor and environment, you can create a space that truly reflects the beauty and magic of the world outside.

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